
Midnight City (feat. Mandy Lee) (M83 Cover) by The Knocks

I’d estimate the over / under for number of remixes and mashups that feature M83′s already classic anthem, “Midnight City,” at about 80,000. I’ve heard so many forgettable, often crudely derivative attempts at harnessing the awesome in that song that I had written off the possibility of doing anything new with it. But The Knocks just released a cover, with Mandy Lee, and when the Knocks do, well, anything, you listen. This time it’s worth it. They add a fresh new perspective on the song, and what’s more, they manage to do it without an over-reliance on the “wah, wah, wah, wah” riff that was the original’s trademark. Is it as good as the first time? No. But it rarely is. (via Audio Cred)